Onze agenten
Zónder onze agenten -inmiddels vrienden- ter plaatse, allemaal reisspecialisten in en kenners van hun eigen gebied, zouden wij nooit zoveel mooie reisprogramma's kunnen samenstellen en aanbieden. We vinden het dan ook een eer en een groot genoegen een aantal van hen aan je voor te stellen en aan het woord te laten om in hun eigen woorden te vertellen waarom je nu juist naar hún stukje Brazilië moet afreizen.

Camila Barp
The name of my state, 'Paraná', was given by the very first inhabitants the Tupi Indians and means 'Big Water'.
It is a land of rivers, bays, canyons and of course the Iguaçu Falls.
Also, in this part of Brazil, we are very proud of having the last and preserved remenescents of the Atlantic Rainforest in Brazil, recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site - the important Lagamar Complex, which includes the northern part of Paraná's Coast (Guaraqueçaba, Superagui National Park, Bays and Islands) and the southern part of the coast of the state of São Paulo.
In these areas, we can still find traditional fisherman communities with it's amazing culture and living, that conserves the forest and it's natural inhabitants. Endemic species, specially marine animals have this estuarines as their home, and live integrated with the local people. Walking inside the forest, learning about conservation, biking around the islands, trekking in the mountains, and navigating in the bays and mangrooves are some of the experiences that you will find here.
Together with this, a good structure of pousadas, lodges, restaurants and activities lead by specialist guides, give the visitants a good opportunity to experience Paraná!
We invite you to experience this land of rivers, mountains, bays and abundant wildlife, come and be surprised by the beauty of our part of Brazil!

João Ribeiro
Belém, the capital of the state of Pará has 1.7 million inhabitants living also inside many skyscrapers coming up from the “greenish rug” throughout the city, surrounded by the jungle and waters. It's gardens and museums guard our ancestors memory through the archeological urns found everywhere along the main rivers. Each urn reveals its uniqueness and usage according to their origin. It´s surprising! But many things have changed along the years while facing the modernity. The European influence is still shown in local architecture, initially composed by the combination of regional fishfat and broken seashells. African influence is present in corners and villages and Indians are always remembered by us while we are cooking or using the local natural medicine secrets. Not only the people, but also the environment varies constantly, according to the seasons. Rivers and beaches change colors, consistency and substances. Flocks of birds announce the sunset/sunrise and never mind about waking up those who would like to sleep longer.
You need to excuse me, but no words are enough to describe the flavor of our food and fruit from “bleeding” palm trees, the perfume from leaves, roots and barks. Here, some rivers are similar to a giant fresh water ocean that transports “pregnant” cage motor boats, around the giant Marajó Island, an enormous “pearl inside the mouth of a snake”. Thousands of reasons may bring you to us, but none is compared to our wide open WELCOMING arms and smiles, moreover, we will need some time together to see and discuss the meaning of so many metaphors and secrets while taking trips across “somewhere in time”!!! Hope to see you soon!

Ger Zwaard
Het is al weer vijftien jaar geleden dat Maria - mijn Braziliaanse vrouw – en ik een pousada zijn begonnen in Itacimarim, zo´n 50 km. ten noorden van Salvador de Bahía. De pousada - een klein hotel met gekleurde bungalows - is schitterend gelegen aan het strand op een terrein met palmbomen en tropische planten en is onlangs volledig aangepast aan de wensen van de hedendaagse toerist. Zo hebben we nieuwe appartementen gebouwd, een van de beste restaurants uit de omgeving geopend en een (tweede) prachtig zwembad met uitzicht over de Atlantische Oceaan aangelegd.
In aanvulling op onze hotelfaciliteiten organiseren we ook uitstapjes in de omgeving. Deze tours leiden ondermeer naar het oorspronkelijk –Atlantische- regenwoud aan de kust, de koloniale stadjes uit de hoogtijdagen van de tabak- en suikerrietplantages in het binnenland en natuurlijk naar Salvador, de oude Braziliaanse hoofdstad met zijn Afrikaanse invloeden.
Om een bijdrage te leveren aan de dorpsgemeenschap sponsoren we een schoolproject, waar kinderen van 5 tot 12 jaar extra les krijgen in basisvaardigheden als lezen, schrijven, rekenen en discipline.
In de afgelopen tien jaar hebben we een klein paradijsje gerealiseerd. Onze klanten, een gemengd publiek uit zowel Brazilië als Europa, waarderen onze sterke punten: rust, goed eten en mooie, goed verzorgde luxe appartementen.

Karin Wolf
Foz do Iguaçu or Iguassu Falls is a fantastic, vibrant tropical destination. The highlights are of course the world famous Iguaçu Falls, considered one of the wonders of the natural world. The 275 falls and the mighty rivers were called ‘Big Waters’ (Iguaçu) by the Tupi Guarani Indians, which minority is still living in the area but is threatened by todays modernities and landowners.
The Parque das Aves - Bird Park, is a large park where one can interact with hundreds of species of brightly coloured and fascinating birds in their natural habitats. The birds call out from the heart of the Atlantic rainforest inviting you to consider our place in Nature and its spectacular, but vanishing, variety. Walking among the birds teaches us how fragile their environment is and the importance of our influence on it. The smiles of wonder from the visitors inspire us to fight for them everyday.
Please come and see us, enjoy the mighty falls, the beautiful nature surrounding you whereever you go and most of all: feel welcome!

Ariel Albrecht
The Pantanal of Paiaguá is the most isolated Pantanalian wetland. There are no roads here. What we have are just directions. The Pantanal of Paiaguá is extremely off the beaten paths. Going by a 4x4 pick up truck, big 4x4 truck, boat, horseback or even on foot you will find about 700 hundred birds species, dozens of mammals, reptiles, jaguars, hundreds of fish besides contemplation of diverse wild landscapes and an original local culture within its immense farms and pantanalian people.
Come to the Pantanal of Paiaguá. You will remember that for a lifetime!
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